March 19, 2008

Inline search for IE 7 (FireFox like search)

One feature that I love of FireFox is how FireFox handles searching the current page for text.  It opens a small toolbar at the bottom of the browser with a text box.  Then you type in what you want to find and hit Enter or F3.  At no point are you hampered from interacting with the page, and it will even highlight all instances of the text if you want.

IE, on the other hand, displays a dialog that keeps you from being able to interact with the page, it will only find one instance of the text at a time, and if you close the find dialog you have to start over from the beginning.

I finally found an IE add-in that fixes that: InlineSearch by IEforge.  It correctly recreates the functionality of FireFox and overrides the standard IE search dialog.

Simply beautiful.

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