March 24, 2008

Boise is #2

I have been living in Boise, Idaho for the past 9 years now, and it has rarely failed to live up to my expectations (especially as a programmer).  Now Forbes seems to agree with me, recently ranking Boise as the #2 best place for Business and Careers.

In past poles, and in other magazines, Boise has also been ranked the best place for bicycles, and in the top 10 Tech cities.

Personally, I like the fact that Boise doesn't feel like a city (it does to the rest of my family, but my home town is only 2000 people).  I don't like cities, I don't like the "downtown" or "urban" lifestyle/feel.  I like to see nature and mountains, not buildings.  Having zoo and lots of parks is really nice though (we have an aquarium coming as well).  So, lucky for us, Boise can accommodate both types -- but New York/LA/San Francisco/Seattle it aint.

I do worry though, that Boise will get too big for me.  At some point I'll have to leave to get the smell out of my clothes. But even then, I don't see myself leaving Idaho any time soon.

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