July 07, 2005

You WANT to be flamed?

OK, so how desperate to you have to be to beg people to start flaming you?

That is where Carl Franklin or DotNetRocks is at. Is this desperate cry for help, or just attention?

I think attention. Why else would you what Carl does if not starved for attention?

My opinion: if he wants it, let him have it. Email him at dotnetrocks@franklins.net

BTW: if you haven't listened to DotNetRock and you are a .NET developer. You should. It is really good show, fairly wide topic coverage, and entertaining.

Well, there are worse ways of wasting an hour.


unused said...

What do they want to be flamed about? Is he still saying VB6 is good?

Chris Brandsma said...

No, they have moved on from that. But Carl is a die-hard VB.NET programmer.