March 21, 2007

Vistual Studio.NET shortcuts of the day

I got this neat handout from Microsoft the other day with a "complete" list of Visual Studio.NET shortcut commands. And I am all in favor of not having to reach for the mouse.

So here are my two favorite Refactoring shortcuts:
First a note of warning, these command are chords. Meaning, you hit the first command, and then the second command to get it to work. This is actually kind of nice, all of the refactoring commands are grouped under a Ctrl-r. So to do a Refactor.Rename, you hit Ctrl-r, then Ctrl-r again.

Anyway, here is the list:

Ctrl-r, Ctrl-r: Rename

Ctrl-r, Ctrl-e: Encapsulate Field (turn a private variable into a public property)

Ctrl-r, Ctrl-i: Create an interface for the current class

Ctrl-r, Ctrl-m: Extract Method

Four is enough for one blog post I think. Any more than that and I would overwhelm you with them. So, learn these and I will post more later.

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