June 15, 2006

New term for English language: The Roethlisberger

I think we have just seen the emergence of a new English term: The Roethlisberger!

What is a Roethlisberger? A motorcycle wreck that nearly ends your career. I'm sure that definition will morph over time, maybe to just a motorcycle wreck, but that is the general idea. Basically, I have heard in general conversation, when talking about motorcycles, "Don't do a Roethlisberger." Admittedly, I said it once, but I have heard others say it as well.

Where did this term come from? Big Ben Roethlisberger, quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, got into a motorcycle wreck this week. See this link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13318458/ This is now the most well-known motorcycle wreck in known history (bigger than Kellen Winslow Jr). Mostly because Big Ben got EXTREMELY lucky. He only hurt his face (he wasn't wearing a helmet), not his legs or arms, and he will heal up before the beginning of the season.

But he as also slightly stupid; he wasn't wearing a helmet, and he was riding the motorcycle thinking, "I know what I'm doing, as long as I'm smart I'll be OK". As if every every safe driver has a perfectly clean record -- it isn't all about how safe you are, it is also about how safe all the other drivers are.

So, maybe a better definition for "don't do a Roethlisberger." would be: "Don't think you're safe on a morocycle because you're smart."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! Dean was in a car. A Porsche Spider.

Don't forget Gary Busey. He's have to show un on the list of famous motorcycle boneheads. He STILL rides without a helmet! Social Darwinism in action.