March 23, 2006

Trinity is Crawling

OK, this is not a programming related post. My bad, get over it.

But, my youngest daughter, now 10 months old just started crawling. Even better, I just caught the entire thing on tape. This is a momentous event, for all of you without kids and don't know better. This means the games have begun.

From the time a child starts crawling it is as if a silent gun has shot off for an Olympic 100 meter dash. Another analogy would be for a back woods car race. Doing the dashing is the parents and the baby, each trying to out maneuver each other to the best lanes. Unfortunately only the baby knows where those are, and it is up the parent to find them out -- preferably before the baby does.

How is the baby going to get to the stairs (we have lots of them), which electric sockets are exposed, which of the older kids toys are chocking hazards, etc. You see, this isn't something you can do once and you are good for life.

In the world of computer security, people are always wishing for more security, but gripe to high heaven when they have to enter a new password. It is annoying. Same with child proofing a house. Yes you can do it. But all of the stairway gates, drawer locks, and electric socket covers get really annoying really fast. So as soon as your kid gets old enough -- off they go! Of course, that is also when you find legos jammed in the electric sockets...again. So when the next baby comes around, there you go again. Reapplying old security fixes, and adding new ones.

That is enough analogies for one night.

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