September 10, 2004

Enter the Tivo

I finally convinced my wife to let me get a Tivo. Actually, after I told her what the thing could do she was all for it.

So I did my research and desided on the Toshiba model with the built in DVD player. I already have a DVD player, but that is besides the point. The Toshiba comes with the Tivo Basic subscription plan. That is basically Tivo light (I can only see what is going to be playing 3 days ahead), but I dont have to pay a monthly subscription plan.

The test: I get home just in time to hook the thing up and have everything ready to watch the Colts verses the Patriots yesterday. No problem, so I missed some of the pregame show and possible wardrobe malfunctions. Mid way through the game my cousin calls up asking about a computer problem he is having. NO PROBLEM! I pause the game and fix his computer. Half an hour later I'm back to watching the game.

The machine is wonderfull

The problem: I used the TV Guide feature to tell the Tivo when to record and when to shut off. Football games are notorious for not ending right at the end of the hour. So 10:30 comes around and the game still has 2 minutes to go (about 20 minutes in real time) and the Tivo stops recording. I didn't realise what was happening, so I messed the last to minutes of the game.

Luckely for me, this was not another Heidy bowl, where all the point for the game were scored in the last 2 minutes. I guess the Patriots got the ball with 2 minutes left and just sat on it. Winning the game. So all I missed was watching the Patriots run the clock out. I feel better now, but still pensive for next time (Sunday)

But for next time: I'm just telling the machine when to start and when to stop recording. For football anyway. We shall see about other programs.

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