November 18, 2005

My Visual Studio.Net Launch event

So, my Visual Studio.Net 2005 launch event was last night. it was on "Creating cutting edge web applications with ASP.NET 2.0"

When I say "My launch event", I mean I was giving the presentation to a tent full of developers, next to a hospital, and within earshot of a freeway.

And when I say "tent", I mean a massive industrial tent with 1 foot thick walls, air-conditioned with aluminum duct work, anchored to the ground with steel beams bolted in concrete, sound system, overhead projector, and fluorescent lighting. Everything we needed but a bathroom. But it was still a tent.

Anyway, the presentation went ok. Not great, but not terible either, just a nice solid "it could have been better" ranking.

Being a canned presentation I recieved from Microsoft less than month before I was supposed to give it...I'm almost happy with how I did. And of course, I recieved a few questions that I didn't know the answer to. Luckely, there was usually someone in the audience who did know the answer.

In the end, it was a lot of work to prepare for this -- a lot of time my wife wants back now. It seems even worse when you consider that I was not paid it. But...I like doing this sort of thing. I actually think it is kind of fun.

Just out: NUnit 2.2.3

A new version of NUnit is out that is compatible with Visual Studio.Net 2005 and the 2.0 framework.

Read about it here:

Download it from here:

November 17, 2005

Dilbert gets it

For some reason I think this Dilbert is briliant, hilarious, and so true it makes me want to cry.

Microsoft going 64 bit only

This is all over Slashdot and dig this morning.

Aparently Microsoft is only going to release server software in 64 bit version from now on.
Starting with Exchange 12.

Anyway, here is a link to the story:

November 11, 2005

Bad days

Ever have a week bad enough to make you wish for alcohole?

Yes. Me too.

Note: this is still better than milking cows for a living -- but the gap has narrowed a bit this week.

November 07, 2005

Good lord it is hereditary

This is not good. I just found out a teenage niece of mine has a blog, and her grammar is worse than mine.

Here is a typical sentence:
"we almost one are last volleyball game"

At first I though this was some sort of teenage code that I've here-to missed because I'm 30. I re-read it. No, that isn't it. Then I thought, maybe this is just some sort of new blooger shorthand used by the younger generation. After all, blogging is pretty new, and I'm sure my niece is heavily addicted to IM. No, not enough acronyms in that thing that was almost a sentence.

I'm sure I'm having a slow brain day, because this took me almost 2 minutes to figure out the cause. She has inherited my bad English skills. This is really odd because, generally, only the males in my family are affected. Really, you think my grammar is bad, you should see some of my cousin's writing potential. It aint there. Never had it, never will. And trust me, there are many a burnt out English teacher in my wake as I was trying to get though high school and college. Not to mention badly used pieces of paper and now ill tempered ink pens.

But that said, after reading some of the comments left in her blog (note: I'm not actually mean enough to leave a link to her blog here), I see that most of her friends are not doing much better in their comments. Between lack of capitalization, spontaneous punctuation, misplaced acronyms (example: “LOLOLOLOLOLO”), spelling worse than I can muster (I do know how to use spell check and a dictionary), and excessive adjectives; I see my niece keeps herself in good company.

Actually, on the punctuation, I’m not sure if that wasn’t intentional. Considering how many times I’ve seen her speak a run-on sentence or three -- seeing her write one should not be that surprising. I'm sure many people have seen a teenage girl literally talk themselves blue in the face, sometimes having to breath in the middle of their fourth run-on sentance, or pass out entirely. I mean, really, do they train for that?

Note to self: Never try to win a breath holding contest against a teenage girl.
Note to self 2: That could be a really good way of shutting up a teenage girl. Cheating should be considered legal and praise worthy in this case. Bonus credits if said teenage girl passes out.

Anyway, I wont waist too much time looking for her in the honor role this year.

Get Visual Studio.NET Express

OK, today Visual Studio.NET 2005 was officially released.

Along with that, the express products were also set free.
Free as in: free to download.

This includes versions for C#, VB.NET, C++, Web Development, and SQL Server.

They are not in the same class as the professional version, but the price is hard to pass up. the new Slashdot?

A friend of mine recently turned me to this site.
Think: "Do you digg it?"

It was created by some guys who were fed up with Slashdot.
What these guys did not like was that the editors of Slashdot have ultimate control over what gets posted.
On Digg, the users over what gets posted. Once a new article is posted, the users can then rate the post (you just say you digg the article, there is no "I don't digg it" button to confuse things). From there you can see the top rates stories of the day/week/month/year. Also, each post is categorized, so you can pick the posts by that as well.

It very much reminds me of the Google simplicity in design (think gmail). Not that Slashdot is overly cluttered, but Digg is very stream lined and easy to navigate.

So far, I like it.

November 02, 2005

Microsoft's Installer: WIX

Ever wonder what Microsoft uses to create it's installs?

Rumor is that it is WIX (Windows Installer XML) .

And, Microsoft has been good enough to release it on Source Forge.

Here are some more links:

MSDN Article:

November 01, 2005

.NET Generic surprise

So I was looking into Generics a little bit ago. I wasn't interested in writing one, I wanted to see what .NET 2.0 came with. What Generics are the built in to .NET.

After all, this is one of the main selling points of .NET, Microsoft must have a bunch of them in the framework to show how usefull they are. Load 'em up!

Not really. I counted 6. Well, there are a few more, but you have to use other generic classes to use those. Like LinkedList<t>.Enumerator. I didn't count that one.

So here they are. All found in the System.Collections.Generic namespace.
  • LinkedList
  • LinkListNode
  • Queue
  • SortedDictionary
  • SortedList
  • Stack
That is it. Not that I'm complaining about those. I consider those to be the basic classes that have to be there. But Standard Template Library it is not.

Of course, I have no idea what is included with Java 1.5 so I have a hard time comparing with that language. C++ seems to have a template for everything including one for shooting yourself in your foot and every toe.

I guess is comes down to: what was I expecting? What were you expecting? A WinForm or WebForm Generic? Maybe. That is what WTL is all about. But I'm not sure that would be useful in .NET. In WTL, you have to use Templates to do anything. I dont want that here.

So why would I complain. Microsoft made generics for what was really needed. Namely with lists, queues, and collections. Everything else is up to interpretation really.

I guess I was just expecting more. As usual.