January 27, 2005

January 19, 2005

In the land of the geek, the nerd is king

But I'm not sure I should be proud of this score...

I am nerdier than 95% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

PostgreSQL hits 8.0

As seen on Slashdot! PostgreSQL hits 8.0.

Official site here:

Here is what is new:


ADO.NET native driver:


Delphi Driver:


Really, I have to get some time to really look into this thing sometime. In the world of Open Source databases, this one has a VERY good reputation (it has had features that MySQL is just getting for years now).

January 18, 2005

New Oracle stuff for .NET


Check it out.

January 10, 2005

SQL Server 2005 Enhancements

Nice big document on MSDN that lists a lot of the changes that have happened to SQL Server 2005.

See it at http://msdn.microsoft.com/sql/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnsql90/html/sql_05TSQLEnhance.asp

Also, I'm still working on a post going over some of what we learned from Rich Hundhausen last Thursday. I'm hoping to have that one done tonight. (some, but not all. I have to leave some incentive to go see the presentation -- very good)

January 07, 2005

Mosha has a blog!!!

Mosha Pasumansky finally has a blog! Mosha is a lead engineer on the Microsoft Analysis Team, and (as I understanding) one of the lead architects of MDX and the Analysis Services security implementation.


He also has a book: Fast track to MDX