October 15, 2004


Straight from the horses mouth....

C# is going to get Edit and Continue -- just like VB.


I know a lot (few) of people are going to grumble about this, but I do think this will be a HUGE productivity gain for developers.

UPDATE: more info has been posted at http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnvs05/html/edit_continue.asp

October 14, 2004

The new Must Have device

I'm shopping for a laptop, this is not what I had in mind, but it is gosh-darn cooler than hech.

Welcome the OQO

It is a laptop crammed into a space slightly bigger than a palm pilot.
It runs WinXP (look for a linux hack later), has 1 gh Transmeta proc, 256 MB ram, 20 gig HD, USB port, and a docking station is available (to plug the thing into a real monitor, keyboard, and mouse -- if you have need of such things)
Comes with wireless networking and bluetooth as well.

Cost: $1,900. -- hey what did you expect.

Drawback: not enough room to fit a CD drive, and the battery only lasts 2.5 hours.

That said, I think this is the device that could be a very good PC for a lot of people. If they can get firewire and a longer battery life into it I can definatly see me buying one of these.

Here is another article on the OQO.